DateBook Dating WordPress Theme Features
- 100% Fully Responsive
- Create any design for all pages using any Page Builder
- Paid Subscriptions via DateBook Subscription or WooCommerce Subscription
- Accept payments via PayPal or Paystack gateways
- Powerful Search by all profile fields (custom fields too)
- Countries: all countries and cities are included
- Private Chat or Messaging
- Online Status Display
- Top and Featured statuses for Profiles
- Favorite profiles
- Blacklisted profiles
- Different Genders and Sexual orientations (already included)
- Custom fields in Profile, Registration, Settings, and Search forms
- Commenting in Profiles
- Reviews and Rating in Profiles
- Favorites List
- Black List
- Friends: users can connect to each other as friends
- Watermarks on Profile images
- Users can deactivate or delete their profiles
- Detect a real city and country of user by IP
- Simulation – imitate online presence of users
- Classified ads
- Tours
- Custom Login page
- Registration
- Google reCaptcha in Login and Registration forms
- Restrict non-registered users to view profiles