Breek Minimal Masonry WordPress Theme Features
- Super Light and Modern design.
- Highly optimized and lightweight (just 1.5mb size).
- Constantly updated.
- Translation ready (English, Turkish, French, Portuguese and Spanish included).
- Minified and Optimized code.
- ACF Pro bundled (save $29).
- RTL included (Feedback appreciated).
- Open Graph Support.
- Built with SCSS and pre-compiled with Prepos 6 (Windows and Mac compatible).
- Dedicated advertising section (below header, before and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
- Advertising section between grid posts.
- Supports menu with icons
- Sticky sidebar for Posts
- Lazy Load for Lists (home pages, archives, categories, etc).
- Lazy Load for post content.
- Lazy Load for embed (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud).
- * New: Category cluster
- HTML5 & CSS3 ready
- No Sidebar Style for Post and Pages
- Custom Tag page
- Custom Author page
- Custom 404 Page
- About me Widget.
- Custom Tag Cloud Widget.
- Custom Galleries.
- Advertising sections.
- Disqus and Facebook support.
- Fully responsive.
- Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
- Retina Display Ready.
- Font Awesome icons.
- Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
- Documentation included.
- Clean Design.
- Well Coded.
- Navigation Menu.